Student borrowing increase largely driven by for-profit schools

Education Sector, a DC think tank, released a report last month detailing the dropout rates among student borrowers. The flashing headline was that nearly 30 percent of freshmen who borrow for school drop out prior to achieving a degree. The report also includes information about the increase in student borrowing from 2001 to 2009. The… Continue reading Student borrowing increase largely driven by for-profit schools

Income taxes are voluntary

One of the fundamental splits between libertarians and left-liberals is the two groups’ understanding of voluntariness. For libertarians, voluntariness is a purely procedural notion. Any agreement made without active force or fraud counts as voluntary, regardless of what else obtains about the agreement. If you are on the verge of starvation and you sign an… Continue reading Income taxes are voluntary

Equity financing for college education

In the New York Times today, Luigi Zingales floated out what most probably consider a terrible idea for financing college education: private investors buying out equity stakes in students’ future income. Investors could finance students’ education with equity rather than debt. In exchange for their capital, the investors would receive a fraction of a student’s… Continue reading Equity financing for college education