
When you are in the discourse for as long as I have been, you start to spot certain patterns of discursive behavior. One such pattern is that groups of people who are loosely affiliated in some way will create and then reinforce myths and misinterpretations about individuals and institutions that don’t make any sense. What’s… Continue reading Alarmgate

Doing the Marriage Thing Again

Melissa Kearney is promoting a book where she dares to speak a truth that nobody else is brave enough to say: marriage and two-parent families are very good. So stigmatized is this view that in the last three days alone, the New York Times, the Atlantic, and the Washington Post (twice) have featured pieces promoting… Continue reading Doing the Marriage Thing Again

Winship’s Mental Block on Taxes

Late last year, I laid out in a very clear way why universal benefits cost less than means-tested benefits and why people who think otherwise are simply getting mixed up in accounting definitions rather than dealing with economic realities. In the first part of this argument, I iterate through three successive policies that go like… Continue reading Winship’s Mental Block on Taxes