Delay and Grandparenthood

A couple of months ago, the NYT had a long piece about people waiting longer to have children. The age of first birth has been climbing steadily for decades and so there is nothing especially new in the piece. Nonetheless, because the topic pushes on certain sensitive cultural and family topics, it naturally generated a… Continue reading Delay and Grandparenthood

Does the Tuskegee Experiment Really Explain Black Vaccination Rates?

Black vaccination rates lag the rest of the country, according to data from the Census Household Pulse Survey and other similar sources. One common explanation for this in the discourse is that black people are skeptical of the vaccine because of prior historical events in which they were abused and experimented upon by the US… Continue reading Does the Tuskegee Experiment Really Explain Black Vaccination Rates?

Is Decommodification Socialism?

In a piece that was mostly about something else, Freddie deBoer had this to say about socialism, the welfare state, and decommodification: Since I am a grumpy old man, I will not relent in saying that anything that calls itself socialism must, as the end of the day, point towards decommodification. That is, what separates… Continue reading Is Decommodification Socialism?

Norway, Oil, and Climate

Branko Milanovic had an interesting piece over at his blog about Norway’s production of oil. The piece observes that Norway is perhaps the most aggressive country in the world when it comes to climate change policies, both domestically and internationally, but is also a significant producer of oil in the world. From there, Milanovic teases… Continue reading Norway, Oil, and Climate