Equity financing for college education

In the New York Times today, Luigi Zingales floated out what most probably consider a terrible idea for financing college education: private investors buying out equity stakes in students’ future income. Investors could finance students’ education with equity rather than debt. In exchange for their capital, the investors would receive a fraction of a student’s… Continue reading Equity financing for college education

How effective is student aid?

Our system of college financing is a mess. Within the present system, it is hard to put downward cost pressure on universities, which has resulted in a cost explosion. Acquiring a college degree — although usually a lucrative move — requires some risk, and that risk is not properly spread out. The problems could go… Continue reading How effective is student aid?

The confused Quebec student protests

College students in Quebec have been protesting for months now about a proposal to gradually increase tuition from $2,168 to $3,793 by 2017. That is, the province is reducing its very substantial university subsidies, and replacing that reduction with higher tuition. The students are not happy, to say the least. Groups of people wanting government… Continue reading The confused Quebec student protests