Anti-MOOC advocacy

I don’t have any strong opinions on MOOCs one way or another really. On first glance, the idea has appeal to me personally. I learn better on my own at my own pace. I never got anything out of class discussion. Efficiencies of scale seem pretty cool and are capable of delivering much higher quality… Continue reading Anti-MOOC advocacy

Down with rentiers

Michael Lind has an interesting piece in Salon advocating for an “Anti-Rentier movement.” A rentier is someone that derives their income from economic rents. The precise definition of an economic rent is politically contentious, but the easiest — albeit somewhat over-simplified — way to think about is this: rents are income derived from owning, not… Continue reading Down with rentiers

Income inequality is very rigid

A Brookings Institute paper about income inequality has been making the rounds, and for good reason. In the paper, the authors draw upon tax data to determine how persistent income inequality is year to year. That is, do folks move up and down the income ladder year to year or do they basically stay where… Continue reading Income inequality is very rigid