I wrote a post yesterday about poverty and race. The basic gist was that there are a lot of poor Whites, which is something quite a few people do not realize. The percentage of White people in poverty is lower than Blacks and Hispanics, but because there are just so many Whites, there are also… Continue reading Poverty and race … and net worth
Author: Matt Bruenig
Poverty and race
You would be surprised how many people do not realize that there are a lot of poor whites in this country. This is especially true among the wealthier white social justice types. For a long time, I assumed that these activists did not care that much about class issues, which is perhaps troubling in some… Continue reading Poverty and race
The corrupt university
Regular readers will know that I do not share the sentiments of many on the left that seem to fetishize the university. I like learning, researching, and theorizing, but the university system as a whole is an anti-egalitarian nightmare. So far, I’ve tended to talk about the class composition of universities, the extent to which… Continue reading The corrupt university
Policy Shop: The Horrible Youth Labor Market
New post over at Policy Shop. An excerpt: If we are going to have a discussion about the burdens we put on our young people in America, this is what we need to be talking about. Things like the Ruetschlin-Draut report that focus on the most vulnerable, burdened, and miserable youths should be at the… Continue reading Policy Shop: The Horrible Youth Labor Market
The late Nozick warmed up to coercive violence
Mike Konczal has a post over at Next New Deal today about rents and Nozick. He uses Nozick’s famous Wilt Chamberlain argument as a counterpoint to the anti-rentier arguments that have been floating around recently (see mine here). Nozick’s argument basically challenges people to explain what is unjust about people voluntarily giving an extra bit… Continue reading The late Nozick warmed up to coercive violence