Student debt and the macroeconomy

Mike Konczal is out with a post today about the macroeconomic effects of student debt, a post he briefly foreshadowed in our comment blood bath a couple of days ago about an unrelated matter. In the post, Konczal relies on a recent New York Fed report about the borrowing habits (specifically around car loans and… Continue reading Student debt and the macroeconomy

Who does US austerity benefit?

A classic way to figure out why something is happening politically is to follow the money. It does not always work (ideas do matter), but it is at least a good starting point. Here is a survey of people who have been said to benefit from austerity, and my analysis (usually confusion) as to how… Continue reading Who does US austerity benefit?

More interesting tumblr arguments

I was intrigued by how well my Fascinating tumblr arguments post did traffic-wise. Apparently I am not alone in finding it interesting. Here I detail another engaging argument I’ve tried to keep track of on tumblr, this one about the appropriate status of transwomen within feminism. At the heart of the dispute is this question:… Continue reading More interesting tumblr arguments