Against local food

There is a movement of people who really want people to eat food that is produced locally. Their argument seems to be primarily about the environmental impacts of moving food long distances. In particular, they are concerned about carbon emissions and the climate change they contribute to. The local food movement does not seem like… Continue reading Against local food

Policy Shop: The STEM Myth

New post at Policy Shop. Excerpt: A less notable excuse has been that our unemployment woes are structural—the skills employees have are not the skills employers want—and therefore economic stimulus wont do much to solve our unemployment problem. The STEM myth has been a major element of this structural unemployment theory, at least when it… Continue reading Policy Shop: The STEM Myth

Student debt and the macroeconomy

Mike Konczal is out with a post today about the macroeconomic effects of student debt, a post he briefly foreshadowed in our comment blood bath a couple of days ago about an unrelated matter. In the post, Konczal relies on a recent New York Fed report about the borrowing habits (specifically around car loans and… Continue reading Student debt and the macroeconomy

Who does US austerity benefit?

A classic way to figure out why something is happening politically is to follow the money. It does not always work (ideas do matter), but it is at least a good starting point. Here is a survey of people who have been said to benefit from austerity, and my analysis (usually confusion) as to how… Continue reading Who does US austerity benefit?