Argumentation 101

Let’s say I am arguing with a right-winger about implementing a universal basic income (“UBI”). They say to me “I oppose it because 1) it wont actually make the lives of the poor better and 2) I think private charity is the correct institution for this kind of thing.” The right-winger’s reasoning is clear, but… Continue reading Argumentation 101

Why discussions of government benefits are so wrong

Earlier this week, The Heritage Foundation released a report purporting to detail the costs of granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants. This report set off a flurry of wonky debates, with both conservative and liberal commentators criticizing the methodology and assumptions used by the report’s authors. The discussion that sprung up around this report followed the… Continue reading Why discussions of government benefits are so wrong

Policy Shop: College Grads Take Bad Jobs That Once Went to Non-College Workers

New post at Policy Shop. Excerpt: This is not because all of the jobs being created in the wake of the recession are those that require college-degreed workers. In fact, around 44 percent of the job growth last month came in the retail and hospitality/leisure sectors, sectors traditionally open to those without a college education.… Continue reading Policy Shop: College Grads Take Bad Jobs That Once Went to Non-College Workers

Some MOOC points

I enjoy the MOOC debates. It is one of the few topics that causes very smart people to make arguments that they would laugh away were someone to make them in other contexts. Being personally involved or affected by an issue will do that to you I guess. As I’ve written before, I don’t really… Continue reading Some MOOC points