Today is the 235th anniversary of the American Declaration of Independence. In the political sphere, the Fourth of July is usually a time for trumpeting the perceived greatness of America. Those more nationalistically inclined take the opportunity to repeat various facets of the standard American Exceptionalist line. Whenever the booming proclamations of American perfection are… Continue reading What Madison had in common with Marx
Author: Matt Bruenig
Deficit reduction debate is really about which class pays
The federal government and state governments across the country have been forced to confront sudden budget deficits in the wake of the 2008 recession. For state governments, the overriding cause of the deficits was a more than 30% reduction in state revenues following the economic downturn. For the federal budget deficit, the causes are more… Continue reading Deficit reduction debate is really about which class pays
The absurd framing of the Boeing labor dispute
The National Labor Relations Board ruled in April that Boeing’s decision to locate a plant in South Carolina was a form of illegal retaliation against union workers in Washington. Immediately after the decision of the board, opponents of organized labor began working to manufacture outrage at this clear cut enforcement of labor law. The National… Continue reading The absurd framing of the Boeing labor dispute