The Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate today. As such, I thought I would break my hiatus briefly. One of the talking points among detractors of the health care law was that it constituted a government takeover of healthcare. That is understandably a form of political rhetoric aimed at firing up a base, but it… Continue reading Government’s already existing hand in US health insurance
Author: Matt Bruenig
On a short hiatus
I wont have any new posts for a bit. But I will return soon!
In a stunner, researchers find health insurance is good
About this time last year, I wrote a post about the groundbreaking Medicaid study going on in Oregon right now. Oregon ran a health insurance lottery for some of its impoverished adult population, giving the winners access to Medicaid, and the losers nothing. This admittedly disgusting and embarrassing process created a natural experiment that has… Continue reading In a stunner, researchers find health insurance is good
The nearly invisible 44 percent of students
In the popular imagination, college students are people who attend public or non-profit four year institutions. That is how the press depicts students, and those students are the primary constituency of student groups and movements. While it is true that these kinds of students are the majority, there are around 9 million students in other… Continue reading The nearly invisible 44 percent of students
Why does everyone misunderstand social contract theory?
Bryan Caplan is out today with a weird piece about social contract theory. I remember Princeton’s Honor Code whenever I hear someone defend social contract theory. Admittedly, there are many version of social contract theory; maybe yours is reasonable. But lots social contractarians – especially Hobbes and his numerous heirs – unreasonably try to ground… Continue reading Why does everyone misunderstand social contract theory?