After the thorough thumping the GOP received last Tuesday, GOP leaders started moving to the left on immigration. Hannity, Murdoch, and Boehner all came out in support of immigration reform. The conventional wisdom is that the Republicans have realized that they have walked themselves into a demographic dead end, and are trying to appeal to… Continue reading How much do Latinos even care about immigration?
Author: Matt Bruenig
One of these things is not like the others
One of the interesting consequences of the identitarian revolution is a migration — among a substantial number of people — away from all-encompassing frameworks of political justice and towards ever-expanding lists of discrete, identity-based claims of justice (and even topic-based claims of justice). So for instance, it is not uncommon to see someone articulate their… Continue reading One of these things is not like the others
The right’s other information disadvantage
Conor Friedersdorf has a brutal piece about the right wing’s self-inflicted information disadvantage that is a must-read. In addition to all the information disadvantages Friedersdorf mentions, there is another realm where the right-wing is hampered: the world of think tanks. When it comes to think tanks, the right-wing’s failures mislead not only their base, but… Continue reading The right’s other information disadvantage
What is limited government?
I was reading the National Review’s endorsement of Romney hoping for a laugh. It wasn’t very funny, but one line triggered in my mind a thought I had been meaning to write down for a while. The author at one point references “the traditional American preference for free markets and limited government.” Whatever one thinks… Continue reading What is limited government?
The rise of income inequality since 1917
I needed to prepare this graph for another project I am working on, and so I figured I would share it here too. The numbers for this graph come from the famed Piketty-Saez market income data set. I’ve simply indexed income to 100 at 1917. For those not familiar with these kinds of charts, the… Continue reading The rise of income inequality since 1917