Note on Community Reinvestment Act

It is easy to forget, but when the financial crisis first hit, there was a pet theory being floated out by conservatives that this was all caused by the Community Reinvestment Act. The Community Reinvestment Act prevents certain banks from using redlining and other racially discriminatory lending practices. Not surprisingly, conservatives have never been big… Continue reading Note on Community Reinvestment Act

Right-to-work is big government

So the Michigan lower house has decided to pass a right-to-work bill. This is a pretty standard right-wing maneuver over the last few decades. The idea is to make it impossible for unions to negotiate closed shops, which creates a free rider problem that will ultimately lead to their demise. That is good for owners… Continue reading Right-to-work is big government

Mike Konczal on the coupon state

Mike Konczal has a new white paper out theorizing on when public provision of some good is superior to handing out coupons that people can use to buy the good privately. What follows are two fairly unstructured thoughts about it. First, technically it is the case that coupons and public provision are very different from… Continue reading Mike Konczal on the coupon state