How many trans people are there?

I was curious about this question and in my search for an answer, I found this Williams Institute report, which appears to be the best summary of the various surveys and estimates out there. The other literature on this question pegs the percent of the adult population who identify as transgender between 0.1% and 0.5%.… Continue reading How many trans people are there?

Leftist pluralism is different

David Kaib has a friendly response to a post I wrote a few days ago on problems with crafting a successful left moral and political narrative. Boiled down, my point is that the left is awash in dozens and dozens of moral and political frameworks, and that makes it much harder to succeed. Conservatives do… Continue reading Leftist pluralism is different

Labor Strike Dataset

Earlier today, I put up a complete dataset of strike activity in the United States from 1976 to the present. It has already been making the twitter rounds interestingly enough, but here I want to comment on it with a focus on how it is unique and useful. First, how does it work? Going all… Continue reading Labor Strike Dataset