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The rhetoric of job-killing has reached absurd levels

The Environmental Protection Agency released new regulations on mercury emissions this week. Predictably, the right-wing has been screaming about the extent to which these regulations will kill jobs. Many observers have already figured out that the right-wing has decided to just call anything it does not like job-killing whether it is true or not. But… Continue reading The rhetoric of job-killing has reached absurd levels

Sears and the race to the bottom

The Atlantic Cities ran an interesting piece today about corporate relocation battles. The short of it is that states compete with one another to bring in specific corporations by giving away huge sums of public money. Right now, Ohio and Illinois are fighting over the Sears corporate headquarters, with both states offering around $400 million… Continue reading Sears and the race to the bottom

Arguing about property

There are many different philosophical ways to arrive at an economically leftist political position. One of those philosophical approaches — which I think has been somewhat neglected — is centered on the issue of property ownership. Unfortunately, many — even on the left — will concede that property rights exist, and that the institution of… Continue reading Arguing about property