This is mainly meant for those few dozen rss subscribers out there. Due to work obligations and a cross-country move, I will not be writing much for the next couple of weeks. After that, with school resuming, there will probably be a slow down to an article per week or so, as opposed to the… Continue reading Note: hiatus and then a slow down
The American Dream and other attacks on deliberative democracy
The trope of the American Dream, or at least the phrase itself, has been making a comeback within the organizations that represent the American left. Most notably, Van Jones has dubbed his new project The American Dream Movement, and has established as its goal to “rebuild the dream.” What is the dream that we are… Continue reading The American Dream and other attacks on deliberative democracy
Boehner and Reid agree that poor students should pay more
The finale of the debt-ceiling theatre is nearing, and it is shaping up to be an exciting one. With this self-imposed disaster looming, two plans have moved ahead as front-runners in the negotiations. The two plans — proposed by Harry Reid and John Boehner — cut a basically identical amount of spending, with the exception… Continue reading Boehner and Reid agree that poor students should pay more
Race to the bottom leads to corporatism
Right-wing advocates of limited government often argue that locating political power in state governments is preferable to locating it in the federal government. The reasoning they give for why this is the case is a bit complicated. On its face, it seems like it is irrelevant where government power is located. After all, a state… Continue reading Race to the bottom leads to corporatism
Centrist third party destined to fail
Thomas Friedman’s article on an upstart third party in Sunday’s New York Times has been generating buzz. Friedman explains that the new party — Americans Elect — will be one of a radical centrist variety. Eschewing the normal nominating processes, it will harness the power of the internet to nominate its own candidates for President… Continue reading Centrist third party destined to fail