Another false education statistic

Earlier, Sarah Kendzior claimed 76 percent of American faculty were adjuncts and that fact got parroted in a Jacobin article. It was not true and none of the underlying material linked by Kendzior ever said that. The actual figure was 41 percent. Kendzior has a more recent piece that features another statistic that is false… Continue reading Another false education statistic

College Cost Trends From 1999-2012

The National Postsecondary Student Aid Survey (NPSAS) is out with fresh college cost data, which the College Board has neatly summarized. This data is released every four years and is the best source out there for really finding out what college costs actual students. In what follows, I detail the cost data from the 1999-2000 year… Continue reading College Cost Trends From 1999-2012

False statistic: 76 percent of American faculty are adjuncts

Miya Tokumitsu has a solid piece in Jacobin about the issues with the “Do What You Love” work advice. She makes a mistake at one point thought: The reward for answering this higher calling is an academic employment marketplace in which 76 percent of American faculty are adjunct professors — contract instructors who usually receive low… Continue reading False statistic: 76 percent of American faculty are adjuncts